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A JangLabs® Production

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the Bain Experience
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IJJ on brochure, original (jpg).jpg(46017바이트)

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This is my picture on the current Bain recruiting brochure. (1999) Me and my beautiful niece, Jiyoon, when she was 2 years old. Taken on my college graduation day. (1996) Can you spot me coolly playing the bass? (1987) ...and playing the guitar at company picnic. (1996)


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My niece Jiyoon.  She's 6 this year. Isn't she adorable? My father.  People tell us of the striking resemblance between us. My sister Jay and her husband Henry, students at RISD(animation) and MIT(architecture), respectively. My eldest sister with baby Jiyoon, when she was all of one year old.


5 plus Seongsu, Chejudo.jpg(36530바이트) chejudo.jpg(16876바이트)
Here's my best four friends : Kyungtae, Soomin, Suktae and Jeongjun. (1991) In Chejudo, for our off-site SNU-BA trip. Second from left is Seongsoo, the venerable Giant. (1991)  Again, in Chejudo.


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