Why is this site in English?
Three reasons.
This is a cosmopolitan site,
welcoming visitors from
all over the world - it's a .com for a reason, you see. In fact, a look at the visitor statistics tells me
that an overwhelming percentage of traffic here are from abroad and
accidental. I seem to be especially hot in Pakistan. No kidding.
I do not have time to translate
the site into Korean.
My entire joke collection is in
Why did you make this site?
Again, three reasons.
Just for the hell of it.
I think it's pretty cool.
It gives me something more to
talk about at the dinner table.
Why is this site so ugly?
For me, time is the most precious
resource - isn't it for you, too? And I guess I just can't find the time
to make this site awesome-looking.
If you know anything about graphics software, you know how much time it takes to
produce a stunning-looking art on a PC.
But I'd rather deliver an ugly message than no message at all. Sort of
like 80/20, eh, Bain guys.
What the hell are
you doing these days?
I could tell you, but I'd have to
kill you.
But since you asked, I'll just let you know that I'm doing something called
"Project Rainbow". Yes - there is a pot of gold at the end of
What does "Illegitimi
non carborandum est" mean?
Hmmmm.... For some absurd reason, I
really don't wanna tell you. But if you're really curious, read
"Snapshots from Hell" by Peter Robinson. It's a greatly
entertaining (and very observant and extremely interesting) book, so do yourself
a favour and read the whole book.
Which planet are you from?
[I get this quite a bit] What
difference does it make?