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A JangLabs® Production

Photo Album
the Bain Experience
About This Site


A little bit of history.

This site was originally conceived in 1995, in my senior year of college.

I secured the rights to http://www.iljun.jang.com right around 1997.  In fact, you can still access this site with this address.  

After a 4-year gestation, I managed to set up a rudimentary web site consisting of 1 page, in 1999.  The site was designed with MS Publisher 99 and FrontPage 1.1.  I used WS_FTP to upload and update my pages.  Dang! it was such a page.

Then I discovered FrontPage 2000 in March (2000 - how fitting) and web authoring  would ever be the same, for me at least.

I secured the domain http://www.iljunjang.com at the same time and what you see is what I have been doing since then.  As of May 2000, I passed the 1,000 hits mark.  Who knows where we'll go from now...

The goal of this site is not too clear to me.  Please refer to the FAQ section.  I wanted to make this into some kind of a portal site for Korea-related information for foreigners but there are way too many of those already, so I gave up.  For now, if I made you smile once, then my mission is accomplished.  Lighten up, guys! 

I discovered that "Jang" is a surname in some of the Muslim countries, notably Pakistan.  Hello, Pakistan.  Bet you didn't know you had some cyber-savvy cousins here in the (so-called) Land of the Morning Calm.

The traffic here is mostly transient - i.e. they come here by mistake, except for all you Bainees.

The graphics here are the result of Microsoft Simply 3D and Microsoft PhotoDraw version 2.  In particular, PhotoDraw is one of the most amazing pieces of software I've ever laid hands on.  If you want to jazz up your site a little with some of your own graphics punches - you know, the sort of stuff that your friend will ask himself, "how on earth did he do that?" - this is your answer.  Highly, highly recommended.  This is a totally unsolicited plug and I'm not making any money off of this.  Speaking from the heart. 

The prose material (including jokes, top tens, etc) here is the fruit of 5 years of diligent email saving.  If you enjoyed them, the least you could do is to send me some more, here.  I wish I could share all my jokes with you, but for now, I'll be releasing the R-rated material only.

Below is my "logo" for my pseudo-venture (with a paid-in capital of $300), JangLabs.  

Yeah, I think it needs some more work, too.





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