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Let me make one thing clear here.  
I don't get paid a cent for the following links.  
All comments are purely voluntary, arbitrary and subjective.


Bain & Company Sorry, we don't have a separate site for the Seoul Office yet.  The site will be ready by June.
Tripod. Yes, the home of this magnificent website.  Or, the magnificent home of this website.  It's all free, too.

Tripod Korea The previous home of this site.  It's free, and if you wanna build pages primarily in Korean, probably your best bet, especially if you're using FrontPage 2000.

Freechal (자유와 도전) One of my best pals works here.  Offers very interesting online community services.  Try it.
Mailbank Get your own .com domain for as little as $10 a year.  I got my http://iljun.jang.com address and iljun@jang.com email here.

Fun at the Movies






Weird Fun





  • Jennifer Connelly (official site) O babelicious one, hear our prayers of adulation!  Same age as me, but much more beautiful, famous and wealthy.  My favourite babe of all time.
  • Christina Applegate The Married with Children bombshell.  Lately becoming one of the most underutilized babes.
  • Denise Richards Bond girls get better and better. Did you see "Wild Things"?
  • Mira Sorvino Did you know that she is a magna cum laude Harvard chick, to boot?  
  • Rachel Weisz Remember her?  She was in 'the Mummy'.  Were it not for her, that excuse for a movie would have been unbearable.


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