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A JangLabs® Production

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the Bain Experience
About This Site


Why is this site in English?

Three reasons.

  1. This is a cosmopolitan site, welcoming visitors from all over the world - it's a .com for a reason, you see.  In fact, a look at the visitor statistics tells me that an overwhelming percentage of traffic here are from abroad and accidental.  I seem to be especially hot in Pakistan.  No kidding.

  2. I do not have time to translate the site into Korean.

  3. My entire joke collection is in English.


Why did you make this site?

Again, three reasons.

  1. Just for the hell of it.

  2. I think it's pretty cool. 

  3. It gives me something more to talk about at the dinner table.


Why is this site so ugly?

For me, time is the most precious resource - isn't it for you, too?  And I guess I just can't find the time to make this site awesome-looking.
If you know anything about graphics software, you know how much time it takes to produce a stunning-looking art on a PC.
But I'd rather deliver an ugly message than no message at all.  Sort of like 80/20, eh, Bain guys.


What the hell are you doing these days?

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.
But since you asked, I'll just let you know that I'm doing something called "Project Rainbow".  Yes - there is a pot of gold at the end of it.


What does "Illegitimi non carborandum est" mean?

Hmmmm.... For some absurd reason, I really don't wanna tell you.  But if you're really curious, read "Snapshots from Hell" by Peter Robinson.  It's a greatly entertaining (and very observant and extremely interesting) book, so do yourself a favour and read the whole book.


Which planet are you from?

[I get this quite a bit] What difference does it make?